Hi! I enumerated your insights, so as to assure I respect each of them and your time in proposing these ideas.
1. “I do believe your case would be even more compelling if you remove the mansplaining and manspreading references because your implying that valid complaints about inconsiderate male behavior uphold the traumatization process when really male bullying and violence is the root cause.”
I guess my approach would be I don’t think that the phrases “mansplaining/spreading” are valid complaints. Rather, I think they are slogans. They are “speech acts” (slogans) that are designed to “settle the question, once and for all” of what a behavior is and means (in this case the behaviors of manspreading and –splaning). I don’t think anything can be settled “once and for all.”
For example, in your response you qualified these behaviors as “inconsiderate,” but what happens if we can develop an approach to these behaviors, and it isn’t difficult to do so, that demonstrates that the behaviors are not really “inconsiderate”? Which is to say, what happens if we can UNsettle the “once and for all” common interpretation of these behaviors? If we can approach these behaviors as NOT inconsiderate, we can then see that implying or interpretating these behaviors AS inconsiderate is in fact an interpretation of the behaviors designed to introduce a negative sense to a male behavior, which, as I suggest in the article, is form of traumatization. The question in this regard is does one have the imagination and theoretical know-how to offer up other possible interpretations of what the behaviors of “manspreading/splaning” mean? Does one have the imagination/theoretical know-how to call these behaviors in question something other than the negatively tainted “manspreading” and “mansplaing.” And I do believe that there are infinite ways to interpret the behaviors in question, because it isn’t the case that pop-feminism happened to stumble across the only thing in the universe that has one, single, exclusive, absolutely correct interpretation. Fortunately, human beings are more amazing, and complex, than a single theoretical approach can demonstrate.
2. “Mansplaining/spreading is a function of the overblown, distorted ego that develops from going through masculine indoctrination in a patriarchy.”
I agree with this, that was one of my points in the article. However, calling the behaviors “mansplaing” already front-loads the interpretation of the behavior in a negative light, which as I discussed in the article is exactly what those particular phrases are designed to do, and more generally it what at the entire “coding” of the male is designed to do, which is why it is traumatic.
3. Legit “feminist” complaints regarding entitled, imposing male behavior are not driving male suicide. See my response to #2
4. “The dehumanizing patriarchal system that separates men from their own emotional well being is the underlying cause....”
I agree with this, as I stated in the article.
5. “So please don’t misrepresent things by directly or indirectly blaming wokeness or feminism. They are not the root cause or an enemy. Patriarchy is.”
“Wokeness” has many interesting and new theoretical models that create the world. The use of these models is beyond any one individual’s intention or desire, the model gets plugged into all the other models that are working to create the world, and this huge infinitely-multiple meta-assemblage flows and flows. “Blame” is too simple a concept in the face of this amazing assemblage of possibility. I apologize if my article came across as laying blame, it was not the intention. Though, keeping in mind what I just wrote about “intentions,” lol.
With regard to your use of the phrase “patriarchy” I would direct you to my response to #1, substituting “patriarchy” for “mansplaining.” Further, I would be interested in your understanding of “Patriarchy.” When discussing this term and concept with people I find that most (even the most liberal) inevitably fall-back on very conservative gender binary understandings of “men” and “women.”